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What Does PSHE Stand For? and What Is Taught in PSHE?


PSHE meaning and PSHE topics

PSHE stands for Personal, Social, Health, and Economic education. Some PSHE topics include relationship and sex, health and wellbeing, drugs and alcohol, financial education, the importance of physical education and diet and other topics. You can find current curriculum on the Government website.

PSHE is an important and necessary part of your children’s education and should be part of your child’s learning curriculum. Primary, secondary, or even home-schooled students should be taught about PHSE topics as they are key life skills that can help them through life.

PSHE, meaning Personal, Social, Health, and Economic education, can be and should be tailored to the student’s specific needs. This is a great idea for students who are struggling with real-life PSHE situations such as diet or relationships.

Why Should You Learn PSHE Topics?

There is a growing amount of research that shows that pupils who are more emotionally healthy do better in school. Learning PSHE topics allow the child to reach their full potential concerning wellbeing and being able to tackle personal issues that could affect their ability to learn. PSHE Learning could enable the child to overcome some tough problems such as anxiety and unhealthy relationships.

Where Can You Find PSHE Resources?

BBC Bitesize PSHE is helpful to understand what topics could be mentioned within PSHE classes. BBC Bitesize showcases PSHE and Citizenship to help you learn how social, personal and work-related skills are developed and how the effect society.

Furthermore, Rewise Learning can help you further understand PSHE education with online tuition from our professional tutors.

Our PSHE online classes include topics such as:

  • Anger Management

How we respond to challenges in our lives is critical to our own personal development and achievement. Why do some people remain calm and collected and others show their frustration in negative ways? This interesting home school PSHE course will teach you how to deal with your anger to help you make better personal choices.

  • Drug and Alcohol Awareness

Both drugs and alcohol can have a deeply felt negative impact on our lives and the lives of those around us. Education is the key to understanding why people abuse alcohol and drugs and it’s critical to know the effects they have on the individual and on society. This important PSHE course will give you all the key information about drug and alcohol awareness and you can even gain a recognised PSHE qualification while you learn.

  • Anti-Bullying

Whether at home, at work, or at school, bullying can have a huge impact on people’s lives. In this PSHE course, discover why bullying happens, what types of behaviour constitutes bullying, how to deal with bullying-behaviour, and where to get support. We offer this PSHE module on an accredited or non-accredited basis and you can learn when it suits you.

  • Equality and Diversity

Having an equal and diverse population is the mark of a civilised society. But do all of us know what it truly means to be equal and how do we make sure everybody is treated equally and fairly? This online home school PSHE course will allow students to get fully involved into topics surrounding diversity and equality.

  • Money Management

Many of life’s most important lessons are not taught to us in schools, it’s not until we have left education that we realise what lessons are essential in life. This online money management home PSHE course teaches you how to use money wisely. In this module we look at basic financial skills and how to ensure you manage your money so you can afford basic items such as food.

  • And much more...

See our PSHE home schooling page to find out more.


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